Monday, October 24, 2011

Ginger Dog Hoffmann

(1996 - 2011)

Baby Ginger

Most labs do not live to be 15 years old. Ginger was special. She knew it. We knew it. We always attributed her royal attitude to her father, who was English.  She ruled the house - both of them. 

Nothing pleased Ginger more than time at the Pond House. She loved to swim and fetch toys from the pond. Exploring the trail near the stream made her feel like a real dog. 

After a good meal and interacting with her pack, nothing was better than a little rest in the sunshine on something soft.  

Every queen needs a throne and Ginger had hers. She often held court in the living room while visitors mingled with the rest of the pack. She loved everyone but favored those with treats. We will miss your smiling eyes and wagging tail. Best Hoffmann Family Dog Ever!