Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tristan Walks

August 12, 2012 CMUSV Ceremony
Tristan's a gusty guy. He quit a good paying job to take on a cut throat Master's Degree program in 12 months.  He made some new friends, learned about Software Management, the good, the bad, and the ugly of collaborative learning, and about himself. He even became a comic book character.

He overcame some significant obstacles - personal, financial, and institutional - and persevered. He was also lucky to have family support from his big brother, his parents, and granddaddy. We are really proud of you. Well done. You made it!

Friday, August 3, 2012


It's hard to imagine a more unlikely "Quilt master" than Teddy (a.k.a. William) Kilpatrick. While he loves to sew and layout the patterns, he needed a mission. Thanks to Dr. Patti Cantwel and the dedicated staff (Pediatric ICU and Palliative Care) at the Holtz Children's Hospital, Teddy found his  purpose. You made his visit last Thursday a day he will always remember!

P.S. - Ceil Baum, you get to add another mitzvah to your list.