Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's hard not to love Tristan!

Tristan is a funny guy. He wore this outfit while making a graded presentation for a Business Comm class at C.M.U.  Fortunately, Dr. Claudia had a great sense of humor too!

Tristan can also be VERY focused, determined, and persistent. Not many people can train solo for a marathon race during the fall and winter seasons in the northeast. He ran during some of the worst cold, icy, wet weather to prepare for the Huston Marathon. He continues to run various half marathons and 10 mile runs. Not build for speed but always finishes the race. Kyle wants him.

Tristan is scary smart. Not many people do a Carnegie Mellon University master’s degree in one year, start to finish. The only guy I know who might push him, is Eric.

These boys together make a party, no matter where they are!


Dad and I are so glad we have you.