Saturday, February 28, 2015

Oh, Lucky Man!

Wednesday the splint/cast was removed from Eric's arm. 

Beautiful, clean sutures were exposed outlining both incisions! Excellent.
The x-rays show both inserted plates (8 screws each) and a few other pins for good measure. The alignment is truly amazing and a real testament to the very fine surgical skills of Dr. Kim (orthopedics at Kaiser West L.A.). 

No one hopes to hear the the surgeon say, "It was worse than in the x-rays" and know it was a challenging procedure. He and his team did a fantastic job on Eric's Forearm Fix.

Eric already has some rotational capability which was unexpected due to the severity of his breaks. Yesterday he had his first physical therapy session. High praise for the surgeon and thankful for incredible lack of joint damage.

The PT thinks Eric has a shot at almost full recovery but it will be a long haul - 18 to 24 months of multiple a day workouts, pain, and sweat.

Good news. Eric knows reaching for the gold ring involves hard work, determination, smarts, and a little bit of luck!

Go Eric!