Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Eric Leaving Recovery

Eric managed this half smile today before leaving the recovery room. As promised, he is in great pain. The surgeon said both bones in his forearm were totally shattered. He has two new plates installed and will forever set off the airport metal detector machines.   

Now that he is home, Eric has to keep his left arm higher than his heart to reduce the swelling. He will wear the dressing and split for two weeks, when the doctor will remove everything to take out the staples. He will probably get a new splint or cast.  Further recovery and PT will take months to complete. 

The surgeon feels his range of motion may be very limited due to the severity of his injury. On the plus side, his hand, wrist, and elbow should make good recoveries.  Now we pray for no infection!

Considering his other bruising and abrasions, it's hard to believe Eric got away without other life altering injuries.  If you are going to ride a bike, PLEASE ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET. And, if you have been drinking, PLEASE USE A DESIGNATED DRIVER. The DUI who hit Eric on his bike, changed his life forever.