Sunday, October 17, 2010

We Stay the Course

This is the last fig of the season and Florence eats it with great delight. Bob loves his trees in the side yard. The deer think they are candy.

Day 5 - Dad's world is shrinking. He does not want to come out of his bedroom now. Today I was able to get him up in the wheelchair for a few hours but he would not go into the living room. Every morning I read him news articles from the paper but otherwise he shows little interest  in world events. He can take or leave TV, even football.  This is so unlike him. He was always so keen on political news, weather, and sports. It’s breaking my heart.

He helps me by transferring and lifting himself up off the bed when a change is needed. He worries I will hurt myself handling him. Except for when he is in pain, he is a doll.  Wash his hair, trim his nails, and he is so appreciative. He was always immaculate in his personal appearance. 

Florence is great chatting him up and reminiscing about family events. They talk about their cancers. She is a real comfort to him. I am so thankful for her.

Day 6 - People are so kind. Visitors come anytime. They usually bring something good to eat. If I had an appetite I’d be three hundred pounds. Aside from a multitude of family members, many people from the community are coming too. Lawyers, businessmen, and conservationists all, make the effort to pay their respects.  He is holding court. I am overwhelmed by their kind words and offers of support.  After everyone leaves, dad says, "They all think I am going to die soon. I am going to fool them." Go dad.

Our hospice home care worker is fantastic. We call her "Melvie." She loves her work and is so good with dad. He adores her. Friday she leaves me with "spend as much time with him as you can" and hugs me before leaving.

He has fluid in his lungs and is gurgling a bit. Hospice nurse puts him on RX to help drain fluids. He is very tired by evening but restless.

Day 7- Dad is good this morning but having discomfort eating and swallowing. Nurse thinks his cancer may be expanding internally, as well as protruding outwardly. 

He has discovered I will feed him anything he wants. Strawberry ice cream for lunch. Red Jello is excellent. Rice pudding is great too. 

Sleeping at night is hard for both of us. We do the best we can but we are grinding down.